



Are you looking for new interesting tasks?

As a specialist for precision grinding discs and wheels for various applications, THELEICO is one of the market leaders in Europe. With more than 130 years of competence and expertise, our traditional company looking at a successful future, which we would like to share with committed and high-performing employees.


Our apprenticeships

  • Industrial manager
  • Industrial mechanic
  • Cutting machine operator
  • Industrial ceramic engineer


Certified training Company

THELEICO is an IHK- (German Chamber of Commerce and Industry) certified company, thus recognized under the BBiG ( Vocational Training Act) as training company, and is committed to meeting future requirements for skilled manpower in the Hellweg-Sauerland region on a sustainable basis.

show certificate: approved training company (IHK)

show certificate: approved training company (IHK)


Current vacancies

Application Engineer

Territory Sales Manager for Belgium and Netherlands

Not found the right job for you? We also look forward to receiving your convincing unsolicited application.

Send your full application with photo, CV and certificates stating your preferred salary and earliest possible start date to:

THELEICO Schleiftechnik GmbH & Co. KG
Personnel Department
Lagerstr. 3-5
59872 Meschede

Tel. +49 (0) 291/ 99 01-0
Fax + 49 (0) 291/ 99 01-28

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